IPC Full Form, History, Objectives, IPC Section lists and Significance 

What is IPC Full Form?

IPC Full Form
IPC Full Form

IPC full form representing Indian Penal Code and it defines the National Crimes. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is crucial to the Indian law system. Criminal justice is based on the Indian Penal Code which ensures consistency in punishment. IPC also establishes the laws, procedures, and punishments to maintain the order, protect rights, and promote justice. The IPC defines crimes, classifications, and punishments. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) also prescribes how offenders are investigated, tried, and punished, ensuring India’s law and order, individual rights, and justice with law.

Meaning of IPC

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) serves as the fundamental legal framework in India for criminal liability related to specified offences and setting exceptions to criminal liability for these offences and IPC or Indian Penal Code has a comprehensive set of laws addressing all substantive aspects of criminal law, responsibilities, crimes, and punishments. Substantive Criminal Law, within the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the  meaning of crimes like Robbery, Assault, and Murder these crimes and the corresponding penalties in the Indian law system.

Structure and Provisions of the IPC 

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) specifies and punishes particular offences in its many parts and It is broken into 23 chapters with 511 parts respectively. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) can also broadly be classified into four categories given below:

  • Chapters I from V – It deals with general matters relating to the definitions, meanings, principles of liability, etc.
  • Chapters VI from XV– It deals with public matters between individuals and the state.
  • Chapters XVI from XXII–  They are primarily concerned with criminal offences committed by individuals against individuals or legal entities other than the state.
  • Chapter XXIII –  It is established with the principles of punishment for attempting to commit an offence where no specific provision has been made through this chapter.

IPC Sections  of Indian Penal Code (IPC)

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) in 1860 with Sections 1 to 511 of  total 511 sections in 23 chapters given below;

IPC Sections  of Indian Penal Code (IPC)
IPC Sections ListDetails
Section 1Title and extent of operation of the Code
Section 2Punishment of offenses committed within India
Section 3Punishment of offenses committed beyond but which by law may be tried within India
Section 4Extension of Code to extra-territorial offenses
Section 8Gender
Section 11Person
Sections 19 to 26Dishonestly, Fraudulently andReason to believe
Section 34Acts of common intention
Section 35Criminal knowledge or intention
Section 36Effect is caused by act and partly by omission in 36 section
Section 37Cooperation by doing one of several acts in constitution
Section 38People who are concerned about criminal acts may be guilty of different guilts.
Section 39“Voluntarily”
Section 40“Offense”
Section 52“Good faith”
Section 52A“Harbour”
Section 53Punishment
Section 73Solitary confinement
Section 74Limit of solitary confinement
Sections 76 to 106CHAPTER IV (76-106) – General Exceptions
Sections 107 to 120CHAPTER V (107-120) – Abetment
Section 120ADefinition of criminal conspiracy
Section 120BPunishment of criminal conspiracy
Section 121Attempting to war against the Government 
Section 124ASedition
Section 141Unlawful assembly
Section 142Being a member of unlawful assembly
Section 143Punishment
Section 144Joining unlawful assembly armed with a deadly weapon
Section 145Continuing with unlawful assembly in knowing it has been commanded
Section 146Rioting
Section 147Punishment for rioting
Section 148Rioting, armed with deadly weapons
Section 149Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of the offense committed in prosecution of the common object
Section 159Affray. (6 Differences between Rioting and Affray)
Section 179Refused to answer a public servant to their questions
Section 182Wrong information with intention to cause a public servant to use his lawful power to the injury 
Section 191Giving false evidence
Section 268Public nuisance
Section 292Sale, etc. of obscene books, etc
Section 293Sale, etc., of obscene objects to young people
Section 294Obscene acts and songs
Section 295Injuring a place of worship with intent to insult the any religion  
Section 295AReligious feelings of any class by insulting its religion 
Section 296Disturbing religious assembly
Section 299Culpable homicide to Attempt to suicide
Section 319 -338Personal safety of other people
Section 339Wrongful restraint
Section 340Wrongful confinement
Section 349Force
Section 350Criminal force
Section 351Assault
Section 354Criminal force to woman/girl with intent to outrage
Section 354ASexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment
Section 354BCriminal force on a woman with intent 
Section 354CVoyeurism
Section 354DStalking
Section 359Kidnapping
Section 360Kidnapping from India
Section 361Kidnapping from lawful guardianship
Section 362Abduction
Section 375Rape
Section 376Punishment for rape
Section 376DGang rape
Section 376 DAGang rape on women under sixteen years of age.
Section 376 DBGang Rape on women under 12 years of age
Section 376 EPunishment for repeat offenders
Section 377Unnatural offenses
Section 378Theft
Section 383Extortion
Section 390Robbery
Section 391Dacoity
Section 396Dacoity with murder
Section 399Making preparation to commit dacoity
Section 403Dishonest misappropriation of property
Section 405Criminal breach of trust
Section 410Stolen Property
Section 413Habitually dealing in stolen property
Section 414Assisting in the concealment of stolen property
Section 415Cheating
Section 420Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property
Section 425Mischief
Section 441Criminal Trespass the  House-breaking by night
Section 493Cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a belief of lawful marriage
Section 494Marrying again during the lifetime of husband or wife
Section 495Same offense with concealment of former marriage from person with whom subsequent marriage is contracted
Section 496Marriage ceremony was fraudulently gone through without lawful marriage
Section 497Adultery
Section 498Criminal intent a married woman
Section 498ACruelty by husband or relatives of the husband
Section 499Defamation
Section 503Criminal intimidation
Section 506Punishment for criminal intimidation
Section 509Word, gesture, or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman
Section 511Attempts to commit offenses

Amendments to IPC

Some notable amendments to the IPC include:

  • Criminal Law Amendment Act of 2013: The amendment was introduced in response to the protests following the Nirbhaya case and a high-profile gang rape incident happened in Delhi.
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act of 2018: The amendment is focused on crimes against kids, specifically addressing issues related to child sexual abuse and related field.
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act of 2019: This amendment expanded the scope of the IPC to include offences related to lynching, mob violence, and vigilantism.

Difference between IPC and CrPC

The Criminal Procedure Code is a procedural law,The Indian Penal Code is a substantive law.
The Criminal Procedure Code outlines the steps the police must follow to investigate any infraction once a crime has been committed that is covered by the penal laws.The Indian Penal Code (IPC) lists several offences it divides them into various groups.The Indian Penal Code specifies the penalties and punishments for the various offences.
The Code is to provide legally binding rules that must be followed with conducting a criminal offence. 
The Code was created to serve as the nation’s primary penal code for punishing criminals and other crime people.


IPC full form is Indian Penal Code, it has started a new chapter in the Indian legal system and It has provided the foundation for all types of legal. The Code is a comprehensive code that addresses nearly every substantive aspect of criminal law. They are divided into four sections and contain 23 chapters and 511 sections in the system. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is essential to law and order and It defines offences with a set of penalties for various crimes. The IPC is crucial to India’s legal framework and justice, despite criticism and challenges like outdated provisions, and enforcement issues which clarifies offences, classifications, and punishments. In this article ,we have discussed about Indian Penal code (IPC) full form and other information.

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